Adding Items in an Order

Adding Items to a Cart

You can add items to a cart by entering a Product ID and Variant ID, or by browsing the product catalog and selecting items from it.

Adding items to a cart by entering a Product ID and Variant ID

1. Click Items tab.
2. Enter a SKU or Product ID/Variant ID.
3. Click Add.

Figure 1 - Adding an item by Product ID or Variant ID

The item appears under the selected shipment header. If the order only has one shipment, the item will appear under Shipment 1/1.

Tip: If the Product ID is unknown, or if you prefer to browsing, you can add items to a cart by browsing the product catalog and selecting items from it.

Adding items to a cart by browsing the Product Catalog

1. Click Browse Catalog.

Figure 2 - Item picker with number of items displayed

Note: Selected items are highlighted, along with a display of number of units selected. In the example above, the Fulton Stowaway umbrella has 1 unit added to the order.

2. To use the filters in the tool bar, click the Filter icon. You can also use the Search field to enter keywords to find the appropriate item.

For example, you can narrow the number of results by selecting Women as a category, Shirts as a sub-category, and Black as a color.

Tip: Click the Filter icon again to collapse the filters. Clicking the Filter icon again will also reset the filters.

Figure 3 - Using filters

3. When the item does not have variants, click Add. If the item has variants, click View Variants.
4. Click Add next to the variant required and adjust the quantity.
5. Click Add To Shipment.

Figure 4 - Add items to shipment